Sunday, August 23, 2009

Shorts Review

Shorts (2009)
A goodfeel kid comedy that tries to be exciting but only to humans below the age of 10. I can take kid films and sometimes even enjoy it but there are some that is just to much. This was it. Robert Rodriguez has brought us the acclaimed Spy Kids. But this was less fun and more annoying. I wish this film to be response.
The plot follows a series of kids who discover a magic rock that can make their wishes come true. It follows most consistently with Tobey Toe Thompson(Jimmy Bennet). He narrarates the film as well as making it horrible. He tells the story in a series of episodes of how the rock was found. It started with Loogie Short(Trevor Gagnon) who thought video games and t.v was boring. Yeah right. Anywho. On a rainy day, he decides to go on a adventure. Doing so, he discovers a rainbow rock. From there, he wishes the wrong things and soon the rock travels through the town of blackbox.

Like a Captian Underpants comic book, its focus on children that make this nearly intolerable to adults. I barley liked it. The countless episodes doesnt confuse you but you wished it never happened. To say this as a good film is like saying Troll 2 deserves 15 oscar nominations. Its slapstick comedy and attempts at teen drama always ends up more annoying then humerous. To enjoy this, it takes more then a soft spot for kids film. It takes drugs.

To summarize it all. It can only be enjoyed by kids. During my screening, the kids barley laughed and the adults were staring at their watches. So maybe it takes a younger kid. Fouled by childs play and ridiculed characters, this suburban american setting defiled by everything in it becomes monday morning trash.

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